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World Teacher By R.E Mark Lee


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World Teacher By R.E Mark Lee

Author: R. E. Mark Lee


Publication: Hay House India

World Teacher: The Life and Teachings of J. Krishnamurti Book Information:

ury will perhaps be known for the extremes of human endeavour: global scale warfare and the emergence of spirituality. Central to the latter was a humble, global-minded teacher, J. Krishnamurti. For almost seven decades, he travelled to all continents stating eternal truths about human existence and boldly took on contemporary issues such as violence, corruption, conflict in personal relationships, collapse of moral values, and the hollowness of living in a society that is being rapidly enslaved by technology and the entertainment industry. Rather than trying to understand the teacher and his teachings, Krishnamurti urged his listeners and readers to understand themselves by being sensitive, alert, caring, and loving human beings. After a single-purpose life of teaching to set men absolutely, unconditionally free, Krishnamurti died in California, leaving vast well-documented teachings that offered no belief system, no spiritual organisation, no methods, but only the exhortation, Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect. This biography is a brief, easy-to-read narrative aimed at introducing the younger generation to a great spiritual teacher with a simple message of love, compassion, and self-knowledge.

Book Type : Higher Education Textbooks

Book Binding : Paperback

Language : English

Number of Pages : As Per Edition's Page count

Resource: Textbooks & Study Guides, Higher Education Textbooks Books for Students, Teachers, Graduates, Professionals, and all others


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